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Kravchenko I.V. - Development of speech of children of preschool age by means of figurative activity


Information about the author: Iryna Kravchenko, lecturer at Logopedical department Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine. In the circle of scientific interests: the problem of the influence of gaming, figurative activity on the development of speech for children with speech disorders. 

The article considers the possibility of using figurative activity in the development of speech of children of preschool age. One of the conditions for normal child development and its successful further education at school is the proper formation of speech in the preschool age. A good assistant in this is figurative activity. Violations of speech in children are diverse in their manifestations. Some disadvantages relate only to pronunciation, others affect processes of phonemesis and are expressed not only in pronunciation violations, but also in the imperfection of sound analysis. There are violations that encompass both phonetic and phonemic, as well as lexico-grammatical systems, which is expressed in the general underdevelopment of speech. During the presentation of the materials of the article it is proved that due to the lack of verbal communication, children with speech impairment lag behind in development from their peers, which has a negative impact on the development of the child's personality. The author proved that the activities of children accompanied by speech, in the process of visual activity become more perfect, purposeful, regulated, rhythmic. Commenting on the actions of the child on the correctional lesson, the speech therapist tells about the performed, performed and about future actions. Gradually, the functions of commenting actions transmitted to the child. Adoption of the commented drawing allows the speech therapist to achieve positive results in working with children who have speech impairment. The inclusion of these techniques in correctional classes allows you to reflect the inner world of a preschooler: a mood, an experience, a fantasy that the child does not always express. The urgency of the question of the use of figurative activity in logopedic work is also that the problem of the development of artistic and creative abilities of children is solved in the process of supplementing traditional methods of teaching painting with non-traditional techniques. Working in this direction, we became convinced that drawing with unusual materials, original techniques allows children to feel unforgettable positive emotions and develop creative abilities. Consequently, figurative activity is an effective means of developing the speech of a child of preschool age.

Key words: development of speech, children of preschool age, figurative activity, commentary, non-traditional means of figurative activity.

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