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Kurytsya A.I. - Features of psych counseling and psychotherapeutic work with family who brings up a child with impairment of speech.


Contact: Kurytsya Alla Ivanivna, Candidate of Psychological Sciences (Ph. D.), Senior Lecturer at the Department of speech therapy and special methods in Kamianets-Podilskyi National University named after Ivan Ohiienko, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. In the area of scientific interests: logopaedic partnership and the problem of parents with their children relationships of families who educate a child with a speech impairment.

The article considers the features of psychotherapeutic assistance to families where the child brings up with impairment of development. In particular, the processes of psychological counseling and psychotherapeutic measures in the system of collecting work are analyzed. It has been found that in order to achieve positive results in working with children with impairment of speech, it is important to interact with families who have the same problems. It has been determined that psychotherapy is one of the main methods in the process of working with children with speech disorders and their families. It is concluded that for a child with speech impairments, harmony within the family is necessary, which is the use of healthy microclimate to obtain sustained positive results. The focus is on the peculiarities of acceptance parents by the fact that their child has features in development; any deformation of the family leads to negative consequences in the development of the child's personality.There are analyzed 4 types of families that negatively influence the development of the child. The necessity of psychotherapeutic assistance of the family for more effective overcoming of psych emotional changes of peculiarities of development of the child is determined. Also, our work considers an individual approach in the process of using ways and methods of psychotherapy. The conclusion is drawn that affects all aspects of personality, psychotherapy and psychological training, psychological classes that allow improving understanding among family members, forming proper personal communication and cognitive processes. It is noted that support in all its manifestations, including psychological, reflects the importance of working with families who have a child with special development.

Key words: family, counseling psychology, psychotherapy, assistance, social environment, acceptance, adaptation, support.


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