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Kurienkova A.V. - Мethodological peculiarities of role-playing game of social orientation with senior preschoolers with intellectual disabilities


Information about the author: Kurienkova Anna, postgraduate student of Chair of Special and Inclusive Education of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine. Research interests include formation of social competence of preschool children with violations of mental development by means of role-playing games. 

In the article the author outlines methodological peculiarities of organizing and conducting role-playing games of social orientation in work with children of senior preschool age with intellectual disabilities. A theoretical analysis of the problem of gaming activity as a means of forming social competence of preschoolers of the investigated category is carried out. The peculiarities of gaming activity of children with intellectual disabilities are described. The psychological-pedagogical conditions, which should be observed by the teacher for organization of gaming activity, are determined. As a result of pedagogical experiment, four stages of teaching preschool children with intellectual disabilities role-playing game of social orientation have been identified: propaedeutic (reading stories, reviewing illustrations, photographs, interviews, etc.) in order to form motivation and interest of children in the role-playing game; creating gaming situations, getting acquainted with attributes, new toys and objects-substitutes, etc., examining them, teaching game manipulations with them in order to familiarize themselves with game attributes and their functional purpose; learning roleplaying activities performed together with adults, role dialogue, role-sharing, playing game episodes to form basic knowledge and skills associated with a specific gender-social role; playing role-playing games for the formation, consolidation and expansion of social experience, development of social qualities. The structure of classes was described, which consisted of three stages: preparatory, aimed at arousing children’s interest in the game; main, which was aimed at modeling various problem social situations; final, which envisaged summing up of the results of the role-playing game. The methods and techniques used at each stage of the role-playing game are described.

Key words: role-playing game, social orientation, senior preschool children with intellectual disabilities.

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