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Lutsko K.V. - Prerequisites for the formation of internal speech of children with special educational needs in the system of special education.


Contact: Kateryna V.Lutsko, Ph.D. in education, senior researcher, associate professor of special psychology, correctional and inclusive education department of Institute of Human Sciences of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. Skills and expertise: formation of speech activity of children with speech and hearing disabilities. 

The article presents the results of theoretical and practical research, aimed at finding reserves of mental development of children with special educational needs in conditions of hearing and speech disorders with preserved intellect. An important institution for the mental development of a child with special educational needs is his/her internal speech, which takes part in the entire mental activity of the child, to a greater or lesser extent associated with all mental functions, accompanied by cognitive and thought processes. However, internal speech is associated with the development of speech (impression and expressive), which is absent or depleted in a child with sensory and speech disorders. In conditions where the development of the speech system is suffering and delayed, and hence the formation of internal speech during compensatory correctional influence on a child with special educational needs the practical activity available to them is still available, with the appropriate organization of which it is possible to provide the preconditions for the development of its logical thinking, the ability to forecasting the content of activities as the basis for the development of internal speech. Special methods of activating articulatory skills and skills based on pictograms, syllogorhythmic exercises, the development of the verbal-logical memory of children with special educational needs, their ability to perceive oral speech, accelerate the acquisition of speech (including internal) on the basis of the realized logic of practical activity .

Key words: mental development of the child, training, external/internal speech, sensory systems. 

Stats кількість переглядів1235 кількість завантажень635