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Martsinovskу I.P. - Risiology fpproach to psychological and pedagogical correction of travmatic and stressful states.


Contact: Martsinovska Iryna Petrivna, postgraduate student of the Department of Correctional Pedagogy and Inclusive Education in KamyanetsPodilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. Academic interest: the problem of diagnosis and correction of stress and posttraumatic conditions of children and adolescents; psychological and pedagogical influences on children with special needs those having post-stress disorder.

The article talks about new opinions on understanding stress and mental trauma. According to classical views on psychological trauma, the effects of trauma are evaluated by scientists as negative: in acute stress disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and adaptation disorders as the result. However, they began to pay attention to the fact that people respond differently to the traumatic events in their lives. As a result, some people are developed PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), while others are not. This fact became the basis for two main approaches in psychological science: one of them is based on the concept of “trauma”, while the other - on the concept of “resiliency”. The psychological phenomenon of “resiliency” is described as the person's ability to emotional stability in a situation of trauma and rapid psychological recovery after stressful and traumatic events. The author analyses theoretical studies and basic concepts of the “resiliency” approach in modern psychological science. In the contextual notion of resiliency of great importance is given to the mastery of the personality. Moreover, the central mechanism of elasticity in a situation of traumatic stress is considered by developed adaptive coping strategies, that is, psychological processes of learning stress. In the process of mastering the factor of stress, each person uses his set of strategies taking into account the available and psychological reserve or personal copying resources. For this reason, coping behaviour began to be seen as a consequence of the interaction of coping strategies and copyrights. The author describes the directions of development of human copyrights to expand his personal arsenal to overcome stress and traumatic factors, as well as to compensate for the negative effects of life events. Understanding the mechanisms of coping, psychological resiliency and mechanisms of mental recovery can be the basis for programs of educational, developmental and correctional character in the education system.

Key words: stress, traumatic events, resiliency, coping strategies, children and adolescents, psychocorrection, formation of psychological elasticity. 

Stats кількість переглядів1273 кількість завантажень799