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Maruda O. - International documents about legal aid to persons with intellectual disabilities.


Contact: Maruda Olha, postgraduate student of the department of psychocorrectional pedagogy of the faculty of special and inclusive education of the Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Kiev, Ukraine. Academic interests: provision of correctional pedagogical support to the persons with intellectual disabilities in Ukraine and European countries, legal provision of such support, psychological, pedagogical and correctional-rehabilitation orientation of service delivery systems. 

The article contains analysis of international documents on human rights of persons with intellectual disabilities. It is mentioned that the named documents serve a part of the theoretical basis of correctional pedagogical intervention with these persons. It is notified that
implementation of the rights of persons with intellectual disabilities, in particular, the right to community based services, supported living, community inclusion is an inseparable element of any developed democratic society. Suggested are the basic requirements according to which determined are gatekeeping criteria for the access to correctional pedagogical intervention which would correspond to modern European approaches and international law oriented on deinstitualization, normalization and social integration as opposed to isolation and segregation of the persons mentioned. Currently, one of the priorities of the state policy on persons with intellectual disabilities is the transition from institutional care to community-based services, which indicates the urgency and importance of further research into modern methods of correctional and pedagogical interventions while management of services for the target group. The author emphasizes that, for the effective provision of correctional pedagogical assistance, it is first of all important to be guided by the common European values based on the recognition of human dignity, equality and respect for human rights, as our society is in the process development of the welfare system suitable for the 21st century.

Key words: intellectual disabilities, people with disabilities, legal aid, correctional pedagogical support, international documents.

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