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Myronova S. - Development of a conscious attitude towards learning in children with intellectual disabilities in the context of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School.


Contact: Profesor  Svitlana Myronova, Doctor of Education,  head of department correctional pedagogy and inclusive education KamianetsPodilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine.  In terms of research: psychological and pedagogical support for children with special educational needs in special and inclusive education. 

 The urgent task of the New Ukrainian School is to form students' ability to study throughout their lives. The formation of this competence is based on the conscious attitude of the student to the acquisition of knowledge, mastery of skills, assessment of their own results and the construction of perspectives. The solution to this problem also applies to students with intellectual disabilities. Education should not only provide these students with certain knowledge, but also teach them to use them in practice. It is possible to achieve this only if the student learns to consciously master the educational material, their conscious and active attitude to the training sessions. At the same time, such an attitude is complicated by the psychological characteristics of children. Results of the study of the ratio of senior pupils with intellectual disabilities to the learning process; given methodical recommendations for the development of consciousness and activity of these students in the study are covered in the article. Students, because of cognitive decline, are not interested in the process of obtaining knowledge, they often assimilate them mechanically. Because of the disruption of thinking, the inability to draw conclusions, students learn knowledge superficially, not understanding the true nature of the causes and consequences, relationships and interdependencies. Educational work also requires sufficient development of attention, work capacity, making volitional efforts, self-control, and these qualities are disturbed or unformed in students with intellectual disabilities. It has been found that students with intellectual disabilities do not realize their role in the educational process; Senior pupils do not interact with their studies and professional choices in the future; the use of computer facilities increases the students' external interest in learning, but the self-cognitive interests of students do not develop. To develop a conscious and active attitude to mastering the knowledge and skills of students with intellectual disabilities, they should use corrective techniques in the process of their education.

Key words: children with intellectual disabilities; conscious attitude to learning; New Ukrainian School; development of consciousness and activity; correctional tricks. 

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