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Moga N.D. - Сorrectional strategy in physical education of early age children with a spastic type of motor disorders


Contact: Moga Nikolay Danilovich, PhD of pedagogy, doctoral student of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, department of Orthopedagogy, Orthopsihology and Rehabilitation. Academic interests: problem of musculoskeletal system disorders in preschoolers, correction of spastic forms in children 1-3 years old .

The article discusses the fundamentals of a correction strategy in the physical education of young children with musculoskeletal system disorders. Review of the available information revealed the insufficiency of theoretical and methodological positions performers in relation to the physical rehabilitation of young children with spastic paresis of the cerebral and spinal levels. Based on a preliminary analysis and systematization, an attempt was made to develop a universal general correction strategy for overcoming motor disorders in children of the indicated cohort. The strategy being developed involves the sequential implementation of a number of correction vectors. Initially, the vector of relaxation, release, and overcoming restriction is recognized, which will create the necessary background for the start of corrective measures. It is the relaxation of spastic muscles that creates the necessary background for the implementation of the subsequent stages of correctional work in the form of improving muscle trophism, the overall energy supply of the body, contractile ability of muscles and increasing the efficiency of its functioning. The following was recognized as a correction vector for the release of the necessary degrees of freedom in the musculoskeletal system of the children, because for the implementation of motor activity it is necessary to achieve a certain mechanical mobility of the whole musculoskeletal system.. The third correction vector is represented by the direction of harmonization of the muscular-fascial system, the achievement of the proper balance between muscle antagonists, flexors and extensors. This is necessary for the most effective functioning of the musculoskeletal system in solving specific problems. The fourth correctional vector should be responsible for managing global and local movements based on the improvement of hemispheric neural coordination. Any motor-play child activity has a variable component, for the realization of which a perfect mechanism for movements controlling is necessary. Improving hemispheric coordination is the basis for creating such a motor control mechanism.. Each of the presented strategic vectors consists of individual techniques, methods, procedures, which will be further implemented in the conventional methodological unit of the correction program. The conclusions made indicate the need for a harmonious combination of a constant strategic vector direction with private tactical corrective actions implemented in a certain sequence.

Key words: correctional strategy, correctional vector, physical education, young children, spastic syndrome, movement disorders.

Stats кількість переглядів905 кількість завантажень552