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Prytykovska S.D. - Theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of the speech tempo and rhythm by means of musicalrhythmic and physical education


Contact: Assistant Professor Prytykovska Svitlana, PhD., South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University after Ushynsky, Odesa, Ukraine. Academic interests: corrective influence of coordination abilities on development of children's speech; neuropsychological foundations for the formation of motor and speech activity. 

The article deals with the topical issues related to creating a system of correcting work, which involves the means of speech therapy, musical-rhythmic and physical education, the use of exercises on step-platforms and claves (percussion instruments), to be more precise, in order to develop the correct speech tempo and rhythm, and speech-motor memory as the basis for forming the planning speech function. The article contains the research data regarding rhythmic functions of children and adults suffering from speech impairments, which testify that their rhythmic ability, reflected in general and fine motor skills, as well as in their speech, is impaired. The inadequacy of speech-motor and speech-hearing functions inhibits both timely speech development, the formation of speech competence, and the formation of personality. The basic principle of musical rhythmic upbringing is the close connection between music and movement. Music as one of the most accessible types of art, with its enormous emotional influence and rich expressive means, gives the opportunity to infinitely vary stimulating motor exercises. In this case, music is used to create a special method aimed at correcting various forms of speech impairment. That is why the combination of music and physical exercises at classes in kindergartens gives great positive results. In this connection, it was necessary to include logarithmic exercises / classes, which will improve the development level of children’s speech competence, into the system of correcting and preventive work. The elaborated methods of correcting work includes a combination of traditional methods of speech therapy rhythm and innovative techniques, in particular the use of exercises on the step-platforms and claves. It should be marked as innovative that some elements of step aerobics are used at the logarithmic lessons. These are rhythmic movements up and down on a special step-platform, which are accompanied by pronouncing some text in verse form. These methods consist of three stages which are aimed at junior, middle and senior preschool age. The exercises of each stage are elaborated in accordance with the gradual complication of the abilities proposed for learning. At the first stage, children learn to step on a flat surface and learn the basic techniques of tapping on the claves. At the second stage, children learn to combine steps in compliance with the rhythm of varying complexity, the stepping technique on step-platforms, the assimilation of the rapping of rhythmic patterns varying in their complexity. At the third stage, children learn to integrate movements on the step-platforms and claves involving simultaneous speaking. The speech is developed in motion being accompanied by positive emotions. All this together gives the corrective, developmental as well as health-improving effect.

Key words: step-gymnastics, musical-rhythmic games, claves games, development of speech tempo and rhythm.

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