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Simko A.V. - On the issue of the features of psychomotor activity and the structure of the levels of constructing movements on the example of children with psychophysical development violations


Contakt: Simko Alla, PhD, senior lecturer in speech therapy and special techniques Kamianetz-Podilskiy Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianetz-Podilskiy, Ukraine. Academic interests: problems of correction of psychomotor development and research of psychomotor activity of children of preschool age with psychophysical development violations. 

The article considers the peculiarities of formation understanding psychomotor activity of the person in psychological science, where specialists recognize the leading causes of this activity as well as its manifestations and forms, which makes it necessary to conduct the corresponding theoretical analysis of their views. A theoretical analysis of scientific researches was conducted researches on the problem of psychomotor activity of children with violations psychophysical development. It is determined that the physical activity of a person allocated levels of constructing motions interacting on the principle of dynamic subordination That is, the organization, programming and management of motor actions are carried out simultaneously on different "floors" of the central nervous systems are hierarchical, and specific levels play different actions of the leading or background role depending on the meaning of action. The possibilities of each level are described building movements. Level A (lowest) - phylogenetically formed the first and ontogenetically ripens first. Level A receives information about the direction and magnitude of muscle tension and the strength and direction of pressure on deep muscle tissue. Level A of motor capabilities is very small. Level B - Common movements and standard stamps. This level gets information about the separation of parts of the body and the whole body, about the size the angles of the joints, the direction and speed of their changes. Motor capacity level B appear first of all, where this level is leading: plastic arbitrary movements, semi-manually individually gained gestures, facial expressions, pantomime and other involuntary manifestations of emotions on the muscles. The level C is a spatial field. He gets information about changes in muscles and joints, balance, and so on information from visual analyzers. Functional capabilities of movements at the level The spatial field is determined primarily by the fact that they are "tied" to the environment on the basis of information from the visual and other tele receptors Level D - level of subject action. His main task is actions with objects, solving semantic tasks of actions. Functional the possibilities of level of the subject action allow to influence some objects on others, taking into account their qualities, and purposefully change the environment, bringing it closer to the "desired future", creating some permanent world things, the world of culture. Level E is the highest level, there is only a person. He always plays a leading role, managing the highest symbolic ones movements - speech and writing. Approaches to correction are proposed psychomotor activity in children with disorders of psychophysical development. It is concluded that orienteering and research activity on each levels of constructing movements and combining movements into the hierarchy are every time a unique functional body that combines the motor skills and psyche.

Key words: subject, activity of psyche, psychomotor, children with psychophysical development violations, correctional problem.

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