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Skrypnyk T. - Specificity of implementation interdisciplinary command support in the inclusive educational environment of Ukraine.


Contact: Tetiana Skrypnyk, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Special psychology and inclusive education. Institute of Human Sciences of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.

The article is devoted to the implementation of effective multidisciplinary team support for children with special educational needs (SEN) in educational institutions. The central place in the article is taken by the characteristic of the essence of the various components of this process in a comparative aspect: the features of the realization of command support in the USA (Virginia) and Ukraine. The following components of the team support process are highlighted: the composition of the team, the leaders, the position of the parents, the range of tasks, goals, interaction format, implementation of the educational process, the main document for the activities of the IEP team, the degree of team’s independence, intervention programs in the context of the support process. As a result of the comparison, the author concludes that the existing position of command support for children with SEN in Ukraine is fragmentary, ill-considered and formalized, which leads to the inability of teachers to provide children with SEN with consistent targeted support in the format of multidisciplinary team support. Based on international and our own experience, we reveal in the article the ways to develop a consistent and effective process of multidisciplinary team support for children with SEN in an inclusive educational space. So, it is about: 1) a new understanding of inclusion as a resource for creating a bright, interesting, developing for all educational environment; 2) the need to avoid formalism in team support issues, which implies the presence of a real coordinator, a review of the basis of cooperation between the teacher and teacher assistant, teachers and parents, as well as the development of an individual development program (IEP) based on the SMART goals defined by the support team; 3) a special format of raising the level of competence of specialists of educational institutions through available expert coaching. The fruitful methodological potential of successful inclusive education, implemented abroad (available in the English language), makes it possible to create the precedents of a competent, purposeful and consistent (favorable for the development and support of all its participants) inclusive educational process in any educational institution. The decisive factor is the ability of specialists to work in the format of team interaction (both among themselves, with parents and children) and to carry out a full-fledged psycho-pedagogical support for a child with SEN. It is about the ability to create conditions for free and appropriate educational process, which is fixed in the IEP with SMART goals and the system of evaluation and monitoring of the results.

Key words: multidisciplinary team support, special educational needs, SMART goals, coordinator of the IEP team.

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