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Taran, O.P., Lisaychuk A.S. - Peculiarity of the emotional competence of children of an early preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech


Contact: Taran Oksana, PhD of psychology, associate professor of the department of special psychology, collegiate and inclusive education of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine. Academic interests: issues of development and formation of self-consciousness, psychological picture of the world and personality of children with disorders of psychophysical development, psychological support of parents of children with special educational needs.

Anna Lisaychuk, Master's degree in the specialty «Special Education of the department of special psychology, collegiate and inclusive education of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine. Academic interests: peculiarities of development of children with general underdevelopment, methodical and didactic aspects of emotional competence formation in older preschool children with speech impairment. 

The article deals with the actual issue of emotional competence of children of senior preschool age with a general underdevelopment of speech. The authors apply a systematic approach to studying the phenomenon of emotional competence. This study is based on the theoretical model of D. Goleman's emotional competence, which includes personal and social components. The article presents the results of the study, which statistically prove that in children of senior preschool age with a general underdevelopment of speech, the personal and social components of emotional competence are formed mainly at a low level, whereas in children with no developmental disabilities - mainly at a high level. It is difficult for children with speech disorders to recognize complex emotions, especially charity and resentment from photographs and schematic images. They also have difficulties in differentiating emotions in plot patterns and insufficient prognostic abilities regarding the assumption of the actions of others in situations of social interaction. Qualitative analysis showed that children in the communities of underdevelopment of speech differentiate well such basic emotions as joy, fear and anger. They have difficulties in differentiating the emotions of sadness, surprise, grief, interest, shame, disgust. Children in this category do not differentiate emotions of contempt and resentment. The article confirms the effectiveness of using the theoretical model of D. Goleman's emotional competence as a system for structuring diagnostic material. Also, the authors plan to use this diagnostic model as a basis for developing a methodology for the formation of emotional competence in children with speech disorders.

Key words: emotional competence, children of senior preschool age, general underdevelopment of speech.

Stats кількість переглядів1062 кількість завантажень534