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Zhuravlova L. - Theoretical and methodological foundations for the use of logopedic screening in the work with primary schoolchildren.


Contact : Profesor Zhuravlova Larysa, PhD, Melitopol Bohdan Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University, Associate Professor of the Department of Social work, Social Pedagogics and Preschool Education, Melitopol, Ukraine. 

The article presents the theoretical and methodological foundations for the use of logopedic screening. It is noted that screening technique was developed in the context of the modern methodology of scientific research – the concept of logopedic theranostics, proposed by V. Tyshchenko. The author considers the screening technique to be a strategy in organizing the logopedic-correctional work. It is emphasized that logopedic screening provides early diagnostic recognition of speech disorders of children of junior school age. Its use will help the speech therapist and primary school teacher to get a fairly complete picture of the state and level of the development of basic preconditions for the writing skills formation, to find out the data on the development of visualmotor and auditory-motor coordination, the level of phonemic processes and graph-motor skills formation. It also helps to identify the degree of development of iconic thinking, self-regulation processes, and children’s selfesteem. This method helps to recognize the capacity for work, level of fatigue and other psycho-physiological components of children’s mental activity. It is emphasized that logopedic screening, which reflects the basic idea of theranostics, will be simultaneously used for both diagnostics and correctiondevelopment work. This method allows experts to identify not only the actual level of the writing processes development, but also the nature of the difficulties children experience while writing. This technique is also aimed at the identification of the place of disorder in the general consistent framework of the development. As a result, it will give the experts an opportunity to figure out a correction route. The author reveals the methodological principles, which provide the background for this method: ontogenetic, psycholinguistic, neuropsychological and neurolinguistic. It is noted that the development of logopedic screening is based on the works of O. Yekzhanova, O. Kornev, O. Luria, L. Tsvetkova.

Key words: logopedic screening, speech development disorder, development of writing skills, diagnostics, correction.

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