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Bielova O. B. - Features of manifestation of emotional experiences in younger students with speech disorders


 Contact: Bielova Olena the Profesor of Pedagogical Sciences, Kamyanets`-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, Department of Correction and Social Pedagogies and Psychology, Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine. 

A child's emotional development is a significant component of his or her mental and mental health and speech development. The emotional sphere triggers and manages all cognitive processes, is formed individually and causes different reactions. The formation of the emotional sphere depends on the influences of the outside world and reflects the inner state of the individual. Impairment of speech development in children can also influence the development of the emotional sphere. This leads to difficult internal experiences and complications in the relationship between others. Most scholars who have studied emotional and cognitive processes in children with speech impairment have noted that the emotional sphere of such children is closely linked to the development of speech. Disturbances of speech development can occur: self-doubt or high self-confidence, restraint, seclusion, irritability, etc. Such a feature of behavior leads to strong emotional experiences that the child can not always cope with independently. The article covers the scientific-theoretical analysis of the domestic and foreign psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of the study of the development of emotional experiences of younger students with typical psychophysical development and with speech disorders. The publication is devoted to the study of emotional experiences of young school-age children with typical psychophysical development and with speech disorders. Diagnostic methodology was adapted and research was conducted to study emotional experiences in children of this age; the materials of scientific research on peculiarities of emotional sphere development in children with speech disorders are analyzed and substantiated; conclusions and suggestions on the results obtained are presented. The results of the study show that children with speech disorders are not able to control their emotional manifestations, internal experiences (excessive sensitivity to the perception of surrounding information), which affect their overall behavior both in the family and in the team. It is difficult for them to explain their experiences through verbal means of communication, so crying, whims, anger, aggressive outbursts are the only source of communication to others of their feelings. In their turn, children without speech disorders adequately resolve conflict situations, always communicate and explain their own actions, which reduces the tension in the team. They try to make adequate decisions in the dispute to end it, do not focus on problems.

Key words: emotional experiences, young school-age children with speech development disorders.

Stats кількість переглядів1393 кількість завантажень660