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Buhera Yu. - Development of the linguistic component of speech activity in preschoolers with intellectual disabilities.


Contact: Buhera Yuliia, PhD of pedagogical,  Senior Lecturer at the Department of Psycho-Medical-Pedagogical Foundations of Correctional Work at Kamianets-Podilsky National University named after Ivan Ogienko, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. In the sphere of scientific interests: the problem of psycholinguistics, correction of components of speech activity in children with intellectual disabilities, formation of linguistic component of speech activity in children of different nosologies. 

 Recent research and publications on the development of the linguistic component of speech activity in preschoolers with intellectual disabilities have been analyzed. Cognitive impairment in this category of children has been found to influence speech development. It is noted that speech activity is provided by linguistic and communicative components, which depend on general-purpose and speech mechanisms. It is pointed out that the main reason for the low level of learning of children with intellectual disabilities is the lack of cognitive activity, in particular short-term and long-term memory; arbitrary memorization; actualization, arbitrary attention and its focus on semantic and formal units of speech; thinking operations formed by analogy, comparison, transfer, generalization, which ensure the acquisition of semantics of linguistic signs. The technique of studying the level of formation of the linguistic component of speech activity is presented by phonemic processes and auditory control; sound analysis and synthesis; lexical speech; generalizing concepts; grammatical structure of speech; studying the level of formation of grammatical generalizations. There are some criteria and levels of linguistic component formation of pre-schoolers with intellectual disabilities. It is noted that they violated all components of the linguistic side of speech, revealed violations in the structure of the text; poverty, inaccuracy of vocabulary, gross grammatism are observed; lack of activity and initiative in communication, interest in the task; inattention is observed; intonationally obscure speech; children need constant adult help; do not know how to accomplish the task, or often refuse to complete it. The directions of correction of the linguistic component of speech activity of preschool children with intellectual development disorders are determined, namely: sound side of speech, phonemic processes, auditory control; ability to perform sound analysis and word synthesis. The pedagogical support of the development of the linguistic component of speech activity of preschool children with intellectual disabilities is presented. It is concluded that corrective work aimed at forming the grammatical meaning of words and structural units of speech of preschoolers with intellectual disabilities, will increase the level of formation of the linguistic component of their speech.

Key words: speech development, speech activity, linguistic component of speech, preschoolers with intellectual disabilities, levels of linguistic component formation. 

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