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Chopik O.V. - Peculiarities of teacher’s preparation for work in the conditions of the institution of general secondary education with inclusive education.


Contact: Olena Chopik, PhD, Kamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: psychological and pedagogical support for children with special educational needs in the conditions of the institution of general secondary education with inclusive education. 

The article is devoted to the actual problem of readiness of teachers of general secondary education institutions with inclusive education to work with children with special educational needs. The importance of cooperation of teachers working in inclusive classes with special education teachers has been emphasized. The works of scientists have been analyzed and summarized, which has determined that a prerequisite for effective implementation of inclusive education is the organization of systematic training for teachers. Effective methods of development of teachers' psychological readiness to work with children with special educational needs in the system of postgraduate education have been indicated. The importance of training technologies for the development of teacher's consciousness has been studied. It has been found out what forms of methodical work it is expedient to prepare teachers for work in an inclusive institution. The basic functions of teachers of subjects working with children with features of psychophysical development have been considered. The basic directions of cooperation of the participants of the team of psychological and pedagogical accompaniment with the teachers of the subjects have been determined. The topics of consultations, speeches of teacher's assistant, practical psychologist, correctional and social pedagogues on pedagogical councils, methodical associations of teachers of subjects, seminars have been offered in order to form the readiness of teachers to work with children with special educational needs.

Key words: preparation, teachers, work, children with special educational needs, inclusive education. 

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