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Haletska Y. - The program of forming of social-home skills in children with the moderate and hard mental backwardness


Contact: Haletska Yuliya, Ph.D., assistant of speech therapy and special techniques department Kamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: feature the organization of educational and correctional-developing work with children with the moderate and severe mental retardation. 

This article provides a description of the results of forming experiment with the implementation of the program of social-home orientation and special methodology of forming social-home skills in children with the moderate and hard mental backwardness. The effectiveness of the developed and proven in the practice of special institution for disabled children research studies defined in two ways: by comparing the levels of social-home skills in children with the moderate and hard mental backwardness before and after the research training; comparing the levels of social-home skills in children with the moderate and hard mental backwardness in the experimental and control group (control group studied at the standard program by traditional methods of work). Comparison of levels of social-home skills in children with the moderate and hard mental backwardness experimental and control groups before and after the research study showed the effectiveness of the introduction of a special methodology of forming social-home skills. After research training in the experimental group three times more children are at high levels of the development of social-home skills. These children have formed the following skills: eating skills, skills for personal hygiene, dressing skills, home skills. The pupils interest their own activities and actions of other children, they can explain their activities.   

Key words: social-home orientation, program of forming of socialhome skills, children with the moderate and hard mental backwardness.  

Stats кількість переглядів2236 кількість завантажень733