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Golub N. M. Features of the organization of correctional and development work with junior schoolchildren with general speech underdevelopment, delay of developmental in an inclusive learning environment.


Contact: Golub Nataliya, PhD of pedagogical sciences, associate professor at the special pedagogy department of Kharkiv National Pedagogical University Named After G. S. Skovoroda, Kharkiv, Ukraine. Academic interests: problems of prevention and correction work with junior schoolchildren with disorders of reading and writing.

The article is devoted to the problem of correction and development of written speech of children with general speech underdevelopment (GSU), delay of developmental (DD). Children with GSU and DD have cerebral organic pathology of a residual nature in most cases. Therefore they belong to the category of pupils with a high risk of occurrence of reading and writing disorders. They have persistent difficulties in mastering reading and writing, which often turn into dyslexia, dysgraphia and dysorphographia. Pupils with GSU and DD have disorders of oral speech, underdevelopment of gnostic, mnestic, mental processes, as well as rapid mental fatigue, motor awkwardness, insufficient skills for planning, regulating, controlling their activities. Therefore they have problems with technical and semantic sides of reading and writing, their written speech disorders are often mixed. Such children require considerable attention from doctors, parents, and especially teachers and speech therapists. When eliminating their written speech disorders and developing their written and spoken activities, it is necessary to combine frontal, group and individual forms of work in the best way.  The author considers some aspects of frontal and group work aimed at correcting and developing pupils` technical and semantic aspects of the reading process, the work aimed at developing coherent written speech. The specifics of individual approach to children with GSU and DD are examined, including development of cognitive, emotional-volitional skills of the pupil, as well as specifics of his/her personal development. It is recommended to take into consideration children’s cognitive motives in learning, their social and communicative skills, to rely on the analysis of the etiopathogenetic factors of dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorphographia, children`s mistakes and difficulties in learning and cognitive activities.

Key words: general speech underdevelopment, delay of developmental, disorders of reading and writing, junior schoolchildren, inclusive learning environment.

Stats кількість переглядів1835 кількість завантажень1085