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Kharitonova E.A., Khabarova S.P. - Differentiation of correctional and developmental work with students with severe speech disorders.


Contact:  Kharitonova  Elena,  PhD  of  pedagogics,  associate professor of speech therapy in the Department of correctional work of VSU named after P. M. Masherov,  Vitebsk, Belarus. Academic interests:  questions of the formation of a coherent monologue speech in children of senior preschool age with a general underdevelopment of speech; propedeutic directional logopedic work; the formation of professional competencies in future teachers-pathologists. 

Contact:  Khabarova  Sviatlana,  PhD  of  pedagogics,  associate professor of speech therapy in Institute of inclusive education  Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M. Tank,  Minsk, Belarus. Academic interests:  problems of education children with severe speech disorders, questions of a realization a differentiated approach to students` teaching and questions of an adaptation the educational material for pupils with severe speech disorders.

The purpose of this research is to identify the features of a differentiated approach to the formation of educational skills of junior schoolchildren with severe speech disorders. In the process of research were used the following methods such as: theoretical (analysis and synthesis of psychological, linguistic, pedagogical and methodical literature on the research topic; analysis of the theoretical developments in the field of designing textbooks for schoolchildren, examination of textbooks in the Republic of Belarus for students with severe speech disorders); sociological-pedagogical (research of school  documentation, the review of the materials, presented in the speech cards for junior schoolchildren with serious speech disorders); observation of lessons with students with severe speech disorders; conversations with teachers and parents; analysis of the nature of educational difficulties of children with severe speech disorders on various lessons. The article analyzes questions of a differentiated approach to students` teaching, considers the problems of adaptation the educational material for pupils with severe speech disorders, describes  levels of differentiation an educational activity, methods and ways of correctional and developmental work. Тhe materials of such scientific research can be used in the educational process of institutions for children with severe speech disorders, classes of integrated education and upbringing, in the work of the special education faculties of higher educational institutions, faculties of retraining of teachers of special education, in the process of preparation, refresher courses and increasing to qualifications specialists` systems of  the special formation.           

Key words:  pupil, special education needs, differentiated approach.   

Stats кількість переглядів715 кількість завантажень495