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Kapliienko A.I. - Theoretical basis of the model of forming the readiness of future speech therapist teachers to work in the conditions of inclusion.


Contact: Kapliienko Anastasia Ivanivna, PhD student, 4th year, Department of  Family and Special Pedagogy and Psychology of  The South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky, Odessa, Ukraine. In the sphere of scientific interests: inclusive education of children with special educational needs, formation of readiness of future speech therapists to work in the conditions of inclusion, inclusive education in out-of-school.

 In the article the conceptual provisions of formation of a professional readiness speech therapist to work with children with speech disorders in terms of inclusive education. Theoretical understanding of the activities of a speech therapist teacher has been made and the circle of his functional duties in the conditions of an inclusive school has been outlined.  It is noted that the preparation of future speech therapists for the implementation of relevant professional functions begins in a higher education institution, where the training process is aimed at forming the specialist who has all the competencies necessary for his professional activity. The article presents the theoretical bases of the model of forming the readiness of future speech therapists to work in the conditions of inclusion. Each of the blocks of the model is considered in detail: target, organizational, content-operational, evaluation. The goals, scientific approaches, principles, components, forms, and conditions of implementation of the developed model are determined. Formation of readiness of the future speech therapist to work in the conditions of inclusion is considered as a complex integrative pedagogical process, based on the methodology of formation of professional knowledge, skills, skills and personal characteristics of the future speech therapist, formed taking into account the peculiarities of pedagogical activity in the educational environment. The practical significance of the study is to improve the methodological toolkit for the training of speech therapists in the New Ukrainian School. The structure of the readiness of the future speech therapist teacher to work in the conditions of inclusion is proposed. The components, criteria, indicators of this systemic phenomenon are defined. The motivational-personal, cognitive, activity-creative, reflexive components of the readiness of future speech-language teachers are described. The prospect of further research is related to the practical verification of the effectiveness of the model.

Key words: model, modeling, readiness, speech therapist, inclusion, vocational training, professional activity, inclusive educational environment. 

Stats кількість переглядів1197 кількість завантажень864