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Levitsky V.E. - Formation of figurative skills in children of elementary school age with impaired mental development.


Information about author: Levitsky Vadim Eduardovich – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor department of speech therapy and special techniques of the faculty of correctional and social pedagogy and psychology of KamianetsPodilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, 32300, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. Scientific interests the special methods of the Ukrainian language and manual labor. 

 The article contains a description of the state of formation of figurative skillss in children with mental disorders of the junior school age, a description of the difficulties, the main causes of the formation in the process of formation and some recommendations of a methodical nature aimed at improving the quality indicators of the given pedagogical process. Graphic errors and difficulties that arise in students during the writing process are due to the low level of cognitive development, the process of perception (slowness, inaccuracy, fragmentation, difficulty in the allocation of an element, etc.). The slowdown in the processing of information in the process of perception is influenced by such factors as: low speed of perceptual operations and insufficient formation of images-representations, their fuzziness and incompleteness. In students with intellectual disabilities there is a lack of inter-state interactions. The imperfection of the intergenerational integration leads to the formation of visual-motion images of the writing (lack or low quality of the letter). The slow processing of sensory information reduces and complicates the pace of writing. The imperfection of the process of processing sensory information, the inadequacy of spatial analysis and the analytical and synthetic activity of students of this nosology, complicate the correlation of the selected form with the visual form of the writing. This leads to weak control over the graphic side of the writing, which confirms the need to improve the methodology of forming figurative skills and their automation in the skills of children with mental disorders of the junior school age.

Key words: children of junior school age, mental disorder, figurative skills, writing, lesson, methodology.

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