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Riabets E., Havrylov O. - Trends in the development of self-esteem of children with intellectual disabilities at different stages of schooling.


Contact: Elizabeth Rіabets, undergraduate of Chair of Speech Therapy and Special methods in the Correctional and Social Pedagogy and Psychology Department of Kamyanets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohienko University. 

Gavrilov Oleksiy, Ph.D. of psychology, assistant professor, Head of Chair of Speech Therapy and Special methods in the Correctional and Social Pedagogy and Psychology Department of Kamyanets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohienko University. 

The article reveals the concept of "self-esteem", general patterns, peculiarities of its formation in children with intellectual disabilities, and tendencies of development of self-esteem of students of this category at different levels of schooling. Article is devoted to the complex study of the self-esteem status of children with intellectual disability at different stages of school education (elementary, middle and high school). The concept of self-esteem is covered, and the general tendency of development of self-esteem of children with intellectual disability at each level of study based on available research on this issue indicated. An analysis of the work of scholars involved in this issue and their indication, that in order for a child with intellectual disability to be better able to adapt to the school space and overcome difficulties, that arise during the educational process, it is necessary to keep a positive image of themselves, and to develop their skills and abilities in each of the classes in which the child learns. A study was developed to determine students 'self-esteem levels at primary, secondary, and high school levels, and to elucidate the general tendencies of students' self-assessment during the entire study based on two methods, the «Tree» (edited by D. Lampen) and the «Steps» (by W. Shchur). The results of the study presented with quantitative indicators in the form of graphs and percentages, and graphs - indicators of the tendency of self-esteem formation by two methods. The general laws of development of the ability to evaluate themselves as learners are clarified, and the reasons that can contribute to and hinder this process, the role of the pedagogical team in the formation of adequate selfassessment of the student with intellectual disability, and maintaining this level at all links of learning is indicated.

Key words: self-esteem, intellectual insufficiency, overestimated, reduced, adequate self-esteem, links of learning, tendencies of formation.

Stats кількість переглядів972 кількість завантажень473