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Achkevych S.A. - The use of folk pedagogy in correctional work with children who have disorders of the musculoskeletal system


Information about the author: Svitlana A. Achkevych, postgraduate student of Kyiv Drahomanov National University, Kyiv, Ukraine. In the sphere of scientific interests: the violation problem of communicative abilities of children with cerebral palsy and its correction by means of folk pedagogy.

The article describes the problems and difficulties faced by children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system at the stage of their speech and communication development. It is found that social adaptation of this category of children in many cases occurs in specific socio-psychological conditions, which destructively affect the structure of the individual and form a wide range of secondary disorders. It is emphasized that unformed motor skills and abilities are manifested not only because of their own motor impairment, but also in the imperfection of the more complex functions required for cognitive activity, which imply movement (visual-motor coordination, spatial analysis and synthesis, etc.). Therefore, children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system have violations of object activity, which adversely affects the development of communication skills of this category of children. The types of communicative disorders that accompany the development of this category of children are outlined and the symptoms of impairments of their communicative abilities are described. Folk pedagogy, which is based on the principles of nature, culture, humanism, unity of upbringing and learning, connection with life of native people, activity and initiative of a child in the process of education, focusing on human values, is defined as an effective tool for speech development of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. It is substantiated that all kinds and genres of folk pedagogy are accessible, understandable to children in content and form, endowed with game moments, and easily perceived by them and develop their communicative abilities. The experience of the people, transformed in the forms of signs, sayings, proverbs, riddles, appeals, counters, songs, fairy tales, legends, which make up an inexhaustible treasure trove of folklore, is an important tool not only for the mental development of modern children, but also occupy an important place in correctional work with children who have disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Key words: children with musculoskeletal disorders, means of folk pedagogy, communication skills, communication, language, speech, folk pedagogy

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