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Apanasevich M.K. - Pedagogical diagnostics of the state of visual perception in children with visual impairments based on the competence approach


Contact: Apanasevich Mariya, teacher-trainee of the Department of Correction and Development Technologies of Belarussian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, Minsk, Republic of Belarus. Academic interests: pedagogical diagnostics of visual perception in children with visual impairments based on the competence approach.

Creating a program of pedagogical diagnostics of the state of visual perception in children with visual impairments of preschool age is an urgent problem today. The article describes the contents of the program of pedagogical diagnostics of the state of visual perception of children with visual impairments of preschool age in accordance with the chosen theoretical basis and taking into account the specific needs of the special education system of the Republic of Belarus. The paper presents an analysis of the views of researchers on the question of examining children with visual impairments, identifies existing approaches to the development of programs for the pedagogical diagnostics of the state of visual perception in conditions of visual deprivation. Based on an analysis of existing research identified key competencies for preschool children, highlighted the specific competences in the field of visual perception, justified by their importance for the formation of cognitive competence of preschoolers with visual impairments. Particular attention is paid to characterizing the state of specific competencies of visual perception at different stages of its development in preschool age. This relationship is reflected in the form of a matrix, the design principles of which are detailed in the study. Considerable attention is paid to the creation of competency-based diagnostic tasks used in the process of studying the state of visual perception in children with visual impairments of preschool age (3-7 years). The results of this scientific research can be used in the educational process with children with visual impairments of preschool age.

Key words: pedagogical diagnostics, competency-based approach, children with visual impairments of preschool age, program of pedagogical diagnostics, development of visual perception.

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