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Havrylov O., Lisovska T., Syniov V. - Ongoing education of teenagers and youth with explicit intellectual disorders: the experience of the Republic Belarus and of Ukraine


Contact: Havrilov Oleksiy, PhD of pedagogу, associate professor, head of the department of speech therapy and special methods in Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohienko University, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. The circle of scientific interests includes: special technique of forming mathematical knowledge, skills, and habits in children with intellectual and speech disorders, working with children with moderate, hard and severe intellectual backwardness.

Lisovska Tetyana, Head of the Educational and Management Department of the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, Doctor of pedagogy, associate professor. The scientific interests are concentrated around: organization of the correctional and rehabilitation work with children with mental disorders of different severity, with adults with multiple disorders, and
their ongoing education.

Syniov Victor, Doctor of pedagogy, Academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, professor of the department of psychocorrectional pedagogy in National Pedagogical M.P. Dragomanov University, Kiev, Ukraine. The circle of scientific interests includes: the problem of correctional and educational work with the children with mental disorders, development of the methodological approaches to work in the conditions of inclusive and special educational environment.

This scientific paper contains analysis of specialties of the organization of work with teenagers and youth with explicit intellectual disorders in the Republic Belarus and in Ukraine after their graduation from the educational institutions. We suggest the definition of the
ongoing education of these persons as a necessary part of their socialization. Point at the main legislative acts providing state support and regulating the creation, structure, organization, and functioning of the institutions for the adults with the disorders mentioned above. Describe the directions of giving these persons complex rehabilitation with labor activities and educational courses taking into account the complexity of their developmental disorders and their potential abilities.
Basing on the analysis of the experience of organization of the ongoing education for children and adults with multiple developmental disorders in the Republic Belarus, we can state that this aspect has utmost importance for their successful inclusion into social environment. At the same time, let us point out the successful experience of the organization of education and leisure of intellectually backward adults in Ukraine. The difference lays in the participation of state in this process: in the Republic Belarus, this process is
legalized in a set of juridical documents while in Ukraine such work has been carried out for many years on a public basis. The most effective development of the ongoing education of adults with multiple developmental disorders is possible only with the juridical and financial support of state. Wherever the person is, it needs a possibility to study throughout life. Absence of educational environment for persons with explicit intellectual
disorders leads to a rapid loss of the developmental, correctional and educational environment, attenuation of the important habits that were developed earlier with huge human and financial costs. As these habits are not activated on daily basis, they eventually disappear. As a result, a person with severe multiple developmental disorders loses meaning of life, and its viable, formed to a certain extent personality disintegrates.

Key words: persons with severe multiple developmental disorders, persons with explicit intellectual backwardness, ongoing education, social adaptation.

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