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Girenko N. - Study capacity of working of pupils with special needs in the lessons of social and everyday orientation


Contact: Gìrenko Nina, candidate of pedagogical sciences, the senior lecturer of Faculty of technology of special and inclusive education the Donbas State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. Academic interests: sensomotoric development among junior pupils of abnormal school in the process of hand work instruction; The development practical activity in the pupils of special schools in lesson social orientation.

Education of students with special educational needs of the household labor depends on the condition of disability. In the literature on physiology and labor the work is determined as a work performed within a specified time without fatigue.
Doctors, physiologists, psychologists, educators studied peculiarities of the work of pupils with special educational needs. They noted that the quality of education and labor depends on the amount of work, time for its implementation, changes in workload, fatigue and rest periods. This corresponds to the physiological characteristics of pupils with special educational needs. Task of our study was to study the condition of mobility in the process of practical work at the lessons of social-domestic orientation in 6 class special school. We determined: speed of work, number of operations, quality of work, compactness of educational time. They reflect changes in the labor process: the fatigue of students, effort, interest in work, changes in work.
Observation of the lesson and in the extraordinary time showed the peculiarities of the work of pupils with special educational needs. In practical household work. We came to the conclusion that the state of serviceability of pupils during practical activity depends on physiological mechanisms, which show the change of load on a motor organ and its fatigue. This affects the quality of household labor.
High-level students performed the first and second stages qualitatively and in time. They amounted to 23%. The children had good grades from school subjects, well belonged to the extra-curricular robot, were active, friendly. The group of the second level includes most students – 42%. The first task they performed correctly, qualitatively and on time. The second task was performed slowly, there were errors, reduced quality. It is associated with fatigue, decreased activity and interest. Third level pupils had fatigue already at the first stage of work. Reduced tempo and fatigue were at the second stage of the work. The students did not perform all operations, the quality of work was reduced. This was to decrease the level of efficiency. They amounted to 20%. The most weak were students of the fourth group of low level. During the implementation of the practical task, children had fatigue already in the first stage. They could
not perform all the operations, worked slowly, had many errors, did not follow the rules of the experiator.
This provision should be considered in the course of labor training. Allocate workload and Rest periods on the lesson. Choose the necessary methods and techniques to improve the quality and effectiveness of training.

Key words: Social-domestic orientation, performance, working, motor performance, practical skills and abilities.

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