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Lemekh A. - Pedagogical diagnostics of the formation of the game in pupils with severe multiple disorders


Contact: Lemekh Alena, PhD in psychology, Associate Professor at the Department of special pedagogy at the Institute of Inclusive Education of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University, named after Maxim Tank (Minsk), Republic of Belarus. Scope of scientific and research interests: integration (inclusive education); psychological and educational support for children with special educational needs; education and training of children with serious and multiple developmental disorders.

This article considers the aspects of the game actions formation in preschool children with severe multiple disorders in correction and development-training centres. The relevance of the research is based on changes occurring in preschool education and the implementation of new approaches, forms and means of assistance to children who are previously seen as uneducable. The purpose of the article is to describe the results of pedagogical diagnostics of game activity in senior preschool children with severe multiple disorders. The experimental base of the research is represented by three preschool groups in the governmental educational institutions “Correction and development-training centre”. The article shows the adaptation of the survey scheme of the game L.B. Baryaeva and A. Zarin, the results of
asserting and forming experiment are presented, the peculiarities of the plotdisplaying game of senior preschoolers with severe multiple disorders before and after training are revealed. The article reveals the peculiarities of the plotdisplaying game of senior preschool children with severe multiple disorders before and after training and provide evidence of the pedagogical diagnostics possibilities of game activity to identify the formation of life competencies in this group of children. The materials presented in the article allow us to see the
level of pupil’s training dynamics of the game with plot-displaying, which enables teachers to include different game stories to form various life
competences in leading activities in pre-school age.

Key words: life competencies, game, pedagogical diagnostics, senior preschool age, severe multiple disorders.

Stats кількість переглядів615 кількість завантажень472