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Levitsky V.E. - Features of the use of didactic games in reading lessons in elementary grades in order to enhance the cognitive interests of children with intellectual disabilities


Contact: Levitsky Vadim candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor department of speech therapy and special techniques of the faculty of correctional and social pedagogy and psychology of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, 32300, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. Scientific interests the special methods of the Ukrainian language and manual labor. 

The article contains the results of theoretical and experimental studies of the use of didactic games and modeling reading lessons in the lower grades with the aim of developing and enhancing educational interests of the children with intellectual disabilities. Describes a number of methodical recommendations about application conditions and improving the effectiveness of didactic games and activities. Didactic game included in a holistic educational process is combined and interrelated with other forms of training and education. The main conditions for the effective conduct of games are: the preparedness of the teacher; expressiveness of the conduct and degree of
participation of the teacher, which ensures the progressive development of the game in accordance with the educational and educational tasks, invisibly for children directing the game in the right direction; the combination of amusement and learning, (curiosity, lightness, ease); means and methods that increase the emotional attitude of children to the game; atmosphere of respect,
 mutual understanding, trust and empathy; simple, appropriate, vivid methodological support. 
The performance of educational games depends on the regularity use;
focus the program of games combined with the usual didactic exercises. Training with the use of this technique provides a sufficient level for successful study of literature at the middle school level children with intellectual disabilities, so we can recommend this experience to apply interested in the positive learning outcomes the teachers of the native language and reading. 

Key words: reading, didactic game, mental disability, cognitive interest, simulation, lesson, school, younger students

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