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Martyniuk T. - Applied and conceptual understanding of animation in the process of social integration of young people with disabilities


Contact: Tetiana Martyniuk, PhD of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of social Work and Pedagogy of the Higher School, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University. In the field of scientific interests: the problem of social integration of young people with disabilities, usіng the socio-cultural animation in working with people with disabilities and
behavioral deviations, prevention of behavioral deviations of children and youth.

The article  substantiates the animation issues, that has been actively considered for two decades in the science first of all as a field of practice. The author notes that in a wide range of different areas of animation there are no works where socio-cultural animation is considered as a holistic system. Due to the fact that the problems were mainly reduced to animation problems sporadically (at the time when the articles or abstracts of reports), it is probably known some of them with names that consider the disclosure of significantly
more important than socially vulnerable categories of clients. It is stated that in a wide sense, the concepts of "animation" and "sociocultural animation" often act as tangents. It is emphasized that the content of the animation concerns personal and social changes, direction and support of young people with disabilities in their interaction, cooperation, social activity with other social groups. The author pays attention at socio-cultural animation strengthens the emphasis in terms of mobilizing the inner strength of young
people for their creative and cultural self-expression, promotes their selfawareness as a member of society.
The triad of tasks that are implemented together and are integral elements in the content of socio-cultural animation in the process of social integration of young people with disabilities, which are traditionally educational,is characterized as social and cultural.
Animation is taking into consideration as a practical direction on working with young people with disabilities, type, technology of various institutions and professionals in the field of education, social work, culture, art, leisure, tourism in order to restore the psycho-emotional strength of young people with disabilities, their personal development and self-expression promoting their manifestation of social, creative, recreational activity, overcoming negative trends in life and successful social integration.

Key words: animation, socio-cultural animation, youth with disabilities, social integration.

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