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Maruda O. - The principles of organization of help to adults with intellectual disabilities in Denmark


Contact: Maruda Olha, postgraduate student of the department of psychocorrectional pedagogy of the faculty of special and inclusive education of the Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Kiev, Ukraine. Academic interests: provision of correctional pedagogical support to the persons with intellectual disabilities in Ukraine and European countries, legal provision of such support, psychological, pedagogical and correctional-rehabilitation orientation of service delivery systems.

The article analyzes the principles of organization of help to adults with intellectual disabilities in Denmark. It is stated that these principles form the basis of Danish policy on disability. It is emphasized that deinstitutionalization has given impetus to the concept of
disability, which has focused attention on the barriers created by society and the environment. It has been found that Denmark's local development has been proceeding in parallel with the relevant international activities and that the primary responsibility for assisting persons with disabilities has been transferred to the local authorities which make decisions about providing services according to specific needs. It is revealed that the principle of equal opportunities, which arises from the combination of the principle of sector responsibility, the principle of compensation and the principle of solidarity, has been the basis of Danish disability policy since 1993. It has been analyzed that, under the Danish Social Services Law, persons with permanent impairment of their physical or mental functions should be assisted. Social services are provided to compensate for the needs arising from the impairment of physical or intellectual function, to
improve the social and personal level of the individual. Government support is personalized and aimed at facilitating the daily life of the individual and improving his or her quality of life. The article presents services and social care facilities for persons with disabilities in Denmark. Social and pedagogical assistance is described and its purpose and forms of provision are defined. The direction of rehabilitation work is determined. It is emphasized that special attention is paid to young people in Denmark with significant physical and intellectual disabilities. A wide range of initiatives aimed at benefiting people with disabilities has been reviewed.

Key words: intellectual disabilities, people with disabilities, providing assistance, European approaches, principles of organization of help for persons with disabilities.

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