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Nichugovskaya L., Nikolenko L. - Pedagogical management in the development of integral competence of future specialists in the field of special education in terms of magistracy


Contact: Nichuhovskaya L., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, professor of department of pedagogics and special education of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnepr, Ukraine. In the circle of scientific interests are pedagogical management, problems of forming professional mobility, readiness to professional activity of future teachers for the special education. 

Nikolenko L., PhD of Pedagogy, associate professor, chairperson of the Department of Pedagogy and Special Education of Оles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnepr, Ukraine. In the circle of scientific interests are professional preparation of future teachers of the special education, innovative going near the questions of education and correction of development of children with the features of psychological development.

The theoretical results of the research on the application of pedagogical management in the context of the development of the integral competence of future specialists in the field of special education in terms of magistracy are considered. The basic functions of
pedagogical management (planning, prognostic, information-analytical, motivational-target, organizational-executive, control-diagnostic, regulatorycorrective of the organization of integral preparation of students of the magistracy) are separated; principles that teachers should rely on to build the future competency of the future special education teacher. It is found that the development of integral competence of students in the field of special education is a complex personality-activity education, which has a component nature and includes the following components: motivational; cognitive-content; operating activity; humanistic and creative. From the point of view of the authors, the higher rankings among personality traits as indicators of the development of students' integral competence have the following qualities: responsibility; active participation in the life of the student scientific society, introduction to practical (quasi-professional) activity; ability to interact as a mechanism of selfimprovement and self-development and a form of communication; the ability to implement tolerance and humanity in the context of contemporary multiculturalism based on universal values. The authors of the article believe that the development of integrated competence in the magistracy is a multidimensional process of formation of professional competence of future specialists, the dynamics of which is determined by several levels, namely:
scientific, cognitive, project-modeling and activity-creative. It is proved that revealing the essence of integral competence, defining its content, structural components, criteria, levels of development is reflected in the program results of training. The development of the integrated competence of future specialists in the field of special education in the magistracy will be more effective provided the introduction of pedagogical management as a system of scientifically sound strategies, principles, methods, tools, organizational forms and technological content. This involves providing professional and personal expression of future special education teachers, transition to a student-centered approach in the organization of the educational process and its orientation to identify the appropriate educational trajectory for each undergraduate, creation of an environment of active learning and conditions for the development of creative
potential of students -communication technologies.

Key words: pedagogical management, future specialists in the field of special education, integral competence, professional competences, program results of training.

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