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Simko A.V. - Features of creation of a correction comparativelybalanced program of psychomotor of the younger students with special educational needs


Contakt: Simko Alla, PhD, senior lecturer in speech therapy and special techniques Kamianetz-Podilskiy Ivan Ohienko National University, KamianetzPodilskiy, Ukraine. Academic interests: problems of correction of psychomotor development and research of psychomotor activity of children of preschool age with psychophysical development violations.

The article deals with the peculiarities of the approach to the creation of the correction and developmental program of psychomotor of
children with special educational needs of younger school age. The creation of the program was carried out on the basis of the psychomotor capabilities of the subject of activity at different levels of motion construction. The program has a structure appropriate to the levels of movement development and envisages an increase in the orientation and research capacity of children with special
educational needs. Theoretical analysis of scientific researches on the problem of psychomotor correction of children with special educational needs is carried out. It has been determined that the formation of an active personality in younger school age is conditioned by various social and psychologicalpedagogical factors, among which psychomotor opportunities occupy a significant place. Psychomotor manifestations establish a real connection of the child with the social environment in which the personality is formed. It’s described a program that implements the author’s model of organizing the conditions for the development of psychomotor abilities of children with special educational needs of younger school age. The development of the program was carried out on the basis of a statement experiment on the psychomotor capabilities of the subject of psychomotor activity at different levels of motion construction. The program has a clear structure, and its effectiveness was tested on the experimental and control groups of children. The program was implemented in several stages: preparatory, basic, final. The preparatory phase of the program involved a comprehensive determination of the psychomotor capacity of children with special educational needs at different levels of motion development; development of specific goals and objectives, strategies of psycho-corrective work; drawing up a work plan for the formation of a kind of
"school" of movements at the involved levels of their construction; creation of the necessary material and technical base for corrective activities.
It is concluded that the variability of semantic tasks and conditions of their performance allows to increase the orienting activity of the child aimed at finding more efficient movements, sensory syntheses and central mechanisms of control of psychomotor action. The comparatively balanced program takes into account that the most effective influence on the correction of psychomotor abilities of preschool-aged children is not by individual exercises, but by their complex, which provides finding compensatory ways of motion control.

Key words: children with special educational needs, correction, psychomotor, comparatively balanced program.

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