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Savitska Н.І. - Taking into account the peculiarities of formation of moral and ethical norms of behavior of mentally retarded students in the educational process of an inclusive institution


Contact: Savitska Halyna Ivanivna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Valeology of Khmelnytsky Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy, Khmelnytsky, Ukraine. In the circle of interests: the problem of formation of children with special intellectual needs of moral and ethical norms of behavior and preparation of teachers of preschool and general secondary education to work in inclusive institutions.

The article is devoted to highlighting peculiarities of formation of moral and ethical norms of behavior of mentally retarded children in the conditions of inclusive education and teachers' readiness for its implementation. The socialization of children with special needs and their maximum integration into society is extremely relevant at the moment. Educating children with special intellectual needs with moral and ethical behavior is a complex and at the same time a responsible task. The complexity of this problem is that, in addition to the underdevelopment of complex forms of cognitive activity (perception, memorization, reproduction, synthesis, awareness), they are characterized by violations of personal qualities and emotional-volitional sphere (interests, needs, motives, emotions, will, character, feelings, experiences, etc.). The article also points to the peculiarity of formation of mental processes in children of this category that determine their actions, deeds, behavior in general. These children's actions are usually impulsive, rash, which is usually due to their own desires, without regard to the wishes of others. Often the cause of behavioral disturbances in mentally retarded children is the inability to understand the situation, to understand the causal connection between an act and its result, to understand the significance of the actions of another person, although they are able to analyze which behavior is approved and which is being condemned.
And if such a child finds himself in an understandable situation, she is capable of emotional response and can come to the rescue. The study of
psychological and pedagogical literature and own observations showed that the formation of moral and ethical norms of behavior is most effective in the process of gradual, systematically organized individual, group practical activity, concidering their typological and individual features of development. In characterizing the difficulties encountered by children with intellectual
disabilities, we want to draw the attention of teachers of inclusive institutions to the fact that these children require a special approach in the formation of stable moral and ethical standards of behavior. Knowledge of these features will allow teachers to choose the best methods of the educational process, which will develop in the mentally retarded children the skills of positive behavior, which
will help them to better integrate into the children's collective, and in social relations as a whole.

Key words: mentally retarded child, moral and ethical norms of behavior, features of development, inclusive education.

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