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Utyosov Ya.A. - Peculiarities of activity of mentally retarded children in the context of building social competencies


Contact: Utiosov Yan, post-graduate student of the department correctional pedagogy and inclusive education of Kamenets-Podolsk National University named after Ivan Ogienko, Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. In the sphere of scientific interests: the problem of conflict behavior of children with intellectual disabilities; the problem psychological and pedagogical support of professional labor socialization of people with psychical and physical disorders.

The article considers the stylistic peculiarities of the activity of mentally retarded schoolchildren as a component of general abilities on the basis of compensation and correction mechanisms and an important direction in increasing the efficiency of its activity, training, correctional development influence and preparation for independent life. The results of the theoretical-empirical study of the individual
style of activity depending on the form of are intellectual disruption of development presented.
Though social competences are the ability to build interpersonal relationships, have a joint activity, norms of behavior, communication in society, soft technologies, ability to work in team, under leadership, etc. The author scientifically substantiates the specifics of psychological and pedagogical influence on the social competence formation of teenagers with intellectual disorders. The article describes the main conditions and specifics of the corrective work for the formation of social competence of the teenagers. This is
the formation of a strong and lasting active motive; the introduction of restrictive purposes; consistency and independence of action; consolidating the skills of actions moving into new conditions from lesson to extracurricular work, etc.
Adolescents have positive dynamics for the levels of formation of an individual style of activity. This indicates the possibility of the formation of social competencies in adolescents. This is a means of increasing the effectiveness of leading activities with a view to their successful socialization. Diagnostic indicators of the level of socialization of adolescents indicate that it is necessary to carry out corrective and developmental work with adolescents to form an individual style of leading activity and social competencies The basic social competences that a teenager needs for successful socialization are described. It is determined that the formation of an individual style in a mentally retarded child is carried out according to the same strategy as the correction-development work taking into account the structure of the defect,
based on the formation of conscious, regulated mental functions and methods of action.

Кey words: adolescents, individual style of activity, mentally retarded children, social competencies, compensation.

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