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Chepurna L. - The contribution of K.M. Turchinska to the development of national correctional pedagogy


Contact: Chepurna Liudmyla, PhD of pedagogy, associate professor of the department of psychocorrectional pedagogy National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kiev, Ukraine. Academic interests: formation and  development of a textbook for children with intellectual disabilities.

The life, scientific and creative path of the well-known scientist-defectologist, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of oligophrenopedagogy of the Gorky State Pedagogical University (now – M.P. Dragomanov NPU), whose name is known outside of Ukraine – Claudia Mykhailivna Turchynska, are depicted. It is stated, that through her fruitful scientific activity she has made a significant contribution to the formation and development of the national defectological science and practice, creating a solid foundation for modern correctional pedagogy. The article traces the development of the theory of psychocorrectional pedagogy and the tendency of formation of the system of special education and upbringing of children with peculiarities of psychophysical development in the XX century in Ukraine. Scientific interests of K.M. Turchynska are highlighted. The importance of implementing of vocational and labor training in special schools for children with intellectual disabilities is emphasized. The chronology of her scientific researches is
elucidated. The scientific achievements are analyzed and the stages of the scientific path of K.M. Turchinska in the field of theory and practice of oligophrenopedagogy are determined. It is emphasized that the analysis and objective coverage of the historical aspect, the use of the knowledge of the national defectology science and practice are the basis for the further development of the Ukrainian system of special education. It is noted that for the first time in the history of not only Ukrainian but also Soviet defectology, Claudia Mykhailivna initiated the opening of a new specialty for pedagogical institutes of that time 211. “Defectology. Oligophrenopedagogy and Labor”. The
scientific and practical value of her scientific achievements and contribution to the development of national special education have been determined. The content of school textbooks for the education of children with intellectual disabilities, authored by K.M. Turchinska, is analyzed. It is determined that students of special schools of Ukraine have been studying these textbooks for
many years. K.M. Turchinska is introduced as a distinguished scientist who brought up a galaxy of scientists-defectologists, dedicated to their job. It is noted that her scientific heritage is characterized by high professionalism and relevance at the present stage.

Key words: K.M. Turchynska, oligophrenopedagogy, special education, professional and labor training, children with intellectual disabilities, stages.

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