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Chupina K. Comparative analysis of the formation of inclusive higher education in Ukraine and abroad


Contact: Kateryna Chupina, Postgraduate student of the Department of Psychology, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman, Ukraine. Scientific interests include social and psychological rehabilitation of student youth by means of inclusive tourism, introduction of inclusive education in higher educational institutions.

The article deals with inclusive education as the main and the most effective form of quality education for students with special needs. Education gives such students the opportunity to realize their fundamental rights, including education, work, self-fulfillment and integration into society. The regulatory framework for the research problem has been studied. The world experience in the field of inclusive education implementation, in particular in higher education and implementation in the educational system of Ukraine has been analyzed. The best experience of inclusive education implementation, including that of Italy, Canada, the USA, Czech Republic, Poland, has been identified. The achievements of the Ukrainian higher educational institutions, including the experience of the Ukrainian
Catholic University, Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine», Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic University, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, are summarized.
A generalized complex of methods that are required to create an inclusive educational environment has been offered, including the implementation of organizational support for a school leaver with special educational needs from the time of entering the university. Considerable attention should be paid to adaptation of entrance examinations according to the nosology and the needs of the entrant as well as to architectural accessibility in universities, including the availability of ramps, lifts, specially equipped sluice rooms, and parking spaces.
These methods also include: corps marking with special colored arrows, and duplicating of writings with the Braille script for students with bad sight, use of
sign interpreters assistance and audio-visual aids, creating a distance learning system for students who are unable to attend school due to health reasons, involvement of students with special educational needs into extracurricular activities, participation in projects and competitions with the aim of their better adaptation and development of their scientific and creative potential.

Key words: inclusion, student with special educational needs, integrated education, university.

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