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Galushchenko V.I. Features of implementation of tasks for development of emotional vocabulary in children with speech disorders in quarantine


Contact: Viktorіа Galushchenko, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor, Department of Defectology and Physical
Rehabilitation of the State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after KD Ushinsky"; Practicing speech therapist-speech therapist of SDNZ №193. Interesting interests: introduction of the latest logotechnology in correction and speech therapy, formation of prosodic, emotionally-intonational side of speech with children with disorders of psychospeech and motor development.

The article raises the issue of adaptation to the organization of correctional training and education in quarantine. every problem is a new
opportunity and a good excuse to finally start doing what it took a long time to get started. For children, together with their parents, learn how to work out independently. Of particular importance, in our opinion, is a more thorough and in-depth analysis of the structure of violations and corrective and speech therapy of parents. Often correctional educators have had difficulty interacting with their
parents in terms of working out a personal home development program. The current state of forced quarantine has led to the necessity of immersing parents in joint interaction with specialists and working out specific tasks independently with children. For teachers, the need to develop and adapt new modified material to use distance and blended learning technologies. The question of improving the ways of correction and speech therapy with children with speech disorders due to the development of such important components of the prosodic
side of speech, as emotional and mimic means, which in many cases are unformed in children of the specified pathology. The necessity of carrying out remote special corrective – developing work with children with speech disorders, aimed at the development of emotional sphere, emotional vocabulary, contributing to the development of mimic and articulatory motility, the formation of all components of speech activity, communicative competence, is determined. Acquaintance of children with basic emotions (by visual material);
distinguishing emotional states by schematic images; playback of a predetermined state using various expressive means; understand their feelings and feelings of others and the ability to reproduce it; developing empathy, a sense of obligation; expanding children's perceptions of emotions, developing and enriching emotional vocabulary; continuation of acquaintance of children with icons, development of pantomimic and mimic skills. The synopsis of distance learning on the development of emotional vocabulary for the joint play of parents and children is reflected.

Key words: distance learning, emotions, emotional vocabulary, emotional and mimic means, children with speech disorders, corrective and developmental work.

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