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Havrylova N. - Technique of forming the correct articulation of the phoneme [r]


Information on an author: Havrylova Natalia, PhD of psychology, associate professor of speech therapy and special methods in Kamyanets- Podilsky National Ivan Ohienko University, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: correction of children's articulatory movement and phonetic speech disorders, specialties of mastering and forming knowledge of maths of junior schoolchildren with severe speech disorders, history of development of special education.

The problem of making the sound [r] is relevant not only for the parents of children with such a pronunciation disorder. Teens and adults having incorrect pronunciation of [r] also feel uncomfortable in the communication process. To make the sound -r- as fast as possible, speech therapist needs to choose the most effective way in every separate case. It is extremely difficult, especially when the reasons of the disorder are complicated. In this research, we aimed at: learning the nature of the violation of the [r] pronunciation, its reasons and frequency in children; describing the process of formation of the correct articulation of the phoneme [r] by stages, in accordance
with scientific sources and our own experience; characterizing difficulties of the speech therapy and ways of their solving.
Basing on the analysis of the scientific and methodical sources, we found that there are different ways of making sound -r-: general recommendations about usage of some methods and techniques of making the sound; systemic approaches taking into account difficulties that appear in the process of speech therapy.
Unfortunately, scientific literature lacks the holistic view at this problem. Therefore, in this article, we characterize different types of the disorders of the phoneme [r] and their reasons, and suggest a new approach for making this sound of speech. Analysis of gathered data led us to conclusion that there are no straight dependences between reasons and nature of the pronunciation disorder. Therefore, we suppose that choosing techniques of making [r], we should not base upon the nature of the disorder. On the contrary, it would be more effective to base upon the reasons of the disorder of the pronunciation of the phoneme [r], forming its correct pronunciation by stages. Basing on it, we developed four-stage technique of forming the pronunciation of the phoneme [r]. The article contains its complete characteristics and recommendations for use.

Our approach allows choosing the most rational way of making the sound-r- and improving the effectiveness of speech therapy.

Key words: making sound, type of the disorder of the pronunciation of [r], reasons of the disorder of the pronunciation of [r], ways of therapy for the phonemes pronunciation disorders.

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