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Gorbenko S.L, Vasilashko I.P. - Development of STEM-education courses in the system of inclusive learning


Author information: Gorbenko Svitlana, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher in the Sector of STEM Education of the Department of STEM Education of the State Scientific Institution "Institute for the Modernization of the Content of Education", Kyiv, Ukraine. In the sphereof scientific interests: the problem of socialization of children with special educational needs, peculiarities of organization and implementation of STEM education in educational institutions. Irina Vasilashko, Head of the Innovative forms and methods of teaching staff activity sector of the STEM-Education Department of the State Scientific Institution "Institute for the Modernization of the Content of Education", Kyiv, Ukraine. In the sphere of scientific interests: the problem of youth socialization, innovative methods of teaching staff activity, peculiarities of organization and implementation of STEM education in educational institutions.

The article unravels the peculiarities of STEM-education courses implementation in teaching of children with special educational needs. The teacher'suse of such a leading principle of STEM-education as integration (cross-curricular, transdisciplinary) allows to modernize methodological foundations, content, volume of educational material, to apply modern technologies during training in order to
develop competences of a qualitatively new level. The opening of a STEM laboratory or center will give education a scientific focus on the principles of differentiated and individual approaches to learning, taking into account age, individual opportunities, interests,
inclinations, abilities, health status of children and young people. An integral part of the organizational and methodological work of
institutions implementing inclusive education is participation in the activities of the All-Ukrainian Virtual STEM Center. For teachers and students with special educational needs, this is an additional educational and methodological resourcefor t he implementation of STEM education. Educational sites, virtual laboratories, simulation simulators, interactive museums make conducting experimental experiments accessible and the learning process creative. Thus, the use of quality educational online resources, on the one hand, creates a positive motivation for students to acquire STEM disciplines, on the other, helps forward to the collective learning activities of all subjects of the educational process. Inclusive educational institutions that introduce STEM education, in addition to the participation of students in traditional intellectual activities (competitions, olympiads, tournaments), should include in the work plans such
activities as conducting educational campaigns, STEM weeks / decades, picnics, festivals and more. It is advisable to organize and conduct events, trainings, vocational guidance excursions, using new forms, training tools, to help young people make informed choices about their future profession, taking into account regional characteristics of the labor market and the opportunities of enterprises, business structures. The urgency of the development of STEM-education is substantiated, the content of inclusive-competent model of STEM-education is determined, the organizational-pedagogical conditions of effective socialization of children and young people with special educational needs are outlined.

Key words:
STEM education; inclusion, organizational and educational work; STEM laboratories or centers; information support

Stats кількість переглядів1044 кількість завантажень1367