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Ivakhnenko A., Pushchina I. Types of speech function disorders in patients after a stroke


Contact: Ivakhnenko Anna, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Head of Department of Special Education of the National University «Zaporizhzhia polytechnic», Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. Academic interests: the problem of speech therapy of post-stroke patients in the early rehabilitation period; different types of clinical picture of aphasia in adults. 

Pushchina Irina, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Dean of Physical Culture and Sport Management Department of the National University «Zaporizhzhia polytechnic», Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. Academic interests: the problem of professional training of future specialists in special education in higher educational establishments of Ukraine.

At present days in Ukraine speech disturbances are one of the most frequent reason of both invalidity and prolonged disability among
the apoplectic population. The article is devoted to the differential diagnosis of speech disorders in adult patients after acute cerebrovascular accident. The article reveals the relevance of this problem in Ukraine, provides a classification
and characteristic features of various types of speech disorders in patients who have had a stroke. The etiopathogenetic mechanisms of occurrence and the clinical picture of three forms of disorders of expressive speech (motor aphasia) are considered: afferent (kinesthetic), efferent (kinetic) and dynamic aphasia, as well as three forms of impaired speech: sensory, semantic and amnestic aphasia. Both general types of aphasia and speech impairment agents were identified according to analysis of literary data. The oral memory, phonematic hearing, speech appreciation, writing, reading and others are the miscellaneous primarily damaged forms of language behavior under lying the basis of any aphasic disorder. In order to compile management program of recovery methods the grades of aphasic disorders were distinguished. All types of language behavior were arranged depending to form of aphasia. Also, these features of mixed and total aphasia, which were not included in the generally accepted classification according to A. Luria. In addition, the article considers post-stroke dysarthria as a separate form of speech function impairment after a stroke. The characteristic diagnostic symptoms of bulbar, pseudobulbar, epi-pyramidal, cerebellar and cortical dysarthria are described. Four degrees of severity of sound disorders in poststroke dysarthria are presented.

Key words: stroke, aphasia, dysarthria, classification, diagnosis.

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