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Kyslychenko V.A. Logopedic Support for Families that Bring up a Child with Speech Disorders


Contact: Kyslychenko Viktoria, PhD, V.O.Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine.

The article deals with the implementation of the program of logopedic support for families with a child of preschool age with speech disorders. The main components of logopedic support for families have been identified, such as provision of information, counseling and speech therapy. Logopedic support which is provided on a ongoing basis for families that raise the child with speech disorders is achieved due to the appropriate content of work that is developed taking into account the age of the child, as well as family and social form of personal development and education. Initial parameters that have been considered in developing the content of each of the periods of support program are the following: the child’s age, the level of the development of speech, the degree of necessity and the form of the effect of speech therapy. In accordance with the guidelines and objectives of the program of logopedic support, the amount of work in each age period is divided into blocks corresponding to the content: information, diagnostic, consultative, theoretical, and practical. The author considers a consistent, complex, coordinated work of a speech therapist and the child’s family to be the most important part of logopedic support for the families. The main component of logopedic support is the specialized pre-school childcare institution or a group of compensatory type for children with speech impairments. In addition to traditional sustainable forms of work with parents in pre-school education, the program of logopedic support provides theoretical and practical seminars “Speechschool for parents” (Logoshkola for parents). The implementation of the program of logopedic support also contributed to the improvement of the effectiveness of speech
therapy in accordance with the results of correctional work. The practicality, efficiency, scientific and practical significance of the dissertation results were proved by carrying out the experiment.

Key words: children with speech disorders, family, parents, logopedic support, diagnostic techniques, the levels of readiness, interaction in the process of correcting the speech.

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