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Kravchenko О. Interdisciplinary approach in the investigation of social and psychological rehabilitation of invalid children and youth by means of inclusive tourism


Contact: Kravchenko Оksana, Doctor of pedagogy, associate professor, Dean of the Social and Psychological Education Department in the Uman State Pedagogical Pavlo Tychyna University. In the range of scientific interests: system of social and psychological rehabilitation of children and youth with special educational needs using methods of inclusive tourism.

In terms of exploring the theoretical foundations of social and psychological rehabilitation of children and young people with disabilities through inclusive tourism, an interdisciplinary approach allows to synthesize theories of innovative processes from different scientific fields in order to model innovative inclusive processes and develop integrative technologies for social integration and socialization of people with disabilities. Such interdisciplinary research is aimed at finding ways of applying theoretical concepts, solving practical problems of inclusive education, its social and psychological component, obtaining concrete results in the practice of innovative activity of educational institutions. In an interdisciplinary perspective, the socio-psychological aspects of inclusion are directly linked to
the applied needs of the education sector and cover all sub-structures of innovation activity: goals, principles, content, methods, tools and forms.
The purpose of the methodological level is to integrate laws and principles, complement different concepts and methods of scientific knowledgeof the essence and sources of origin, formation and approval of inclusion in education, introduction of innovative practices and technologies of social and psychological rehabilitation. In the process of interdisciplinary synthesis, the issue of diffusion into the educational inclusion of concepts, models, principles, methods, ontological representations from other scientific fields (inclusion, tourism, social work, pedagogy, social pedagogy, psychology, local history, rehabilitation) need to be addressed. Besides, the issues of the appropriateness and validity of their application for the development of innovative theories and technologies of social and psychological rehabilitation also need to be solved. The technological level of integration is a practical embodiment of concepts, theories, and systems in the form of an interdisciplinary team, which includes educators, psychologists, social educators and social workers, physicians, rehabilitators, tourism instructors, country experts, and parents.
Thus, a theoretical understanding of the key issues of social and psychological rehabilitation of children and young people with disabilities through inclusive tourism is possible only within the framework of an interdisciplinary approach that provides a fundamental analysis, interpretation and integration of knowledge, the use of different methods of cognition. In such a way, it provides transition to the new stages of development, which is relevant to the modern dynamics of social relations.

Key words: inclusion, social and psychological rehabilitation, special educational needs, interdisciplinary approach.

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