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Lutsko K., Makhlun V. Dominant perceptual activity and its influence on the formation of speech of children with special educational needs


Contact: Kateryna Lutko, PhD of Pedagogy, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor of Special and Inclusive Education Department, Human Institute, Borys Grinchenko University, Kyiv, Ukraine. In the field of scientific interests: research on the activation of sensory development of children with special educational needs, its importance for the formation of the cognitive interests of the child, the development of his speech, thinking and other mental prices; the use of intact sensor systems in the educational process; exploring the
value of a leading way of perception in harmonizing the development of speech of children with special educational needs.

Mahlun Valeria, MA, Special and Inclusive Education Departments, Human Institute, Boris Grinchenko University of Kiev, Kyiv, Ukraine. In the field of scientific interests: features of sensory development of children with special educational needs.

One of the main tasks of correctional pedagogy and psychology is to identify the reserves of personality development, its strengths, which will improve the quality of education and upbringing and reduce physical and mental stress on the child and adult. Our many years of research have allowed us to identify the sensory reserves of personality development. In particular, it is the use of intact sensory systems, which it is advisable to rely on when forming speech in a child, in the development of a number of its mental functions, activation of cognitive capacity. Of particular importance is the consideration of the leading mode of perception inherent in a particular child, taking into account the nature of the disorder.
Quite often, the congenital leading type of perception is associated with the affected sensory system, in particular visual perception in children with visual impairments and auditory in children with hearing impairments. In this case, children face significant difficulties in learning. The specific imbalance in the sensory capabilities of such a child is not diagnosed by specialists, and the educators do not take into account the specific consequences of the association of sensory impairment with the corresponding leading sensory channel. Ignoring such phenomena affects the adequacy of diagnosis, mixing sensory difficulties with intellectual disabilities. Children with congenital leading sensory ducts require the selection of appropriate content and special techniques for compensating and harmonizing the functioning of the sensory systems. Among the analytical systems that can activate the visual perception of a child with special educational needs, one can distinguish tactile-visual-motor perception as such that organizes the activity of the visual system.

Key words: sensory development, leading way of perception, reserves of development

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