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Mishchenko M.S. Theoretical aspects of regaining communication in adults with aphasia after stroke


Contact: Mishchenko Maryna, Master of Science in Special Education, lecturer at the Department of Special and Inclusive Education, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Institute of Human Sciences, Ukraine. Academic interests: the problem of restoring speech in stroke patients, overcoming communication disorders in adults with aphasia.

The article analyzes and discusses the theoretical aspects of communication recovery in adults with aphasia acquired after stroke. Reviewed the general statistics on the occurrence of strokes in Ukraine and the world and tendencies of it to become “younger”. Examined on the theoretical level classical, rare and modern etiological factors of stroke occurrence in young people. Basic and mixed forms of aphasia, their impact on personal communication are also analyzed. The author identifies key signs of impaired communication in stroke patients with aphasia and the main consequences of these disorders (desocialization and recommunication). In order to overcome these phenomenons it is necessary for a speech language pathologist not only work on the recovery of speech and language skills, but also to be an active subject in the process of overcoming desocialization and recommunication by fixing the function of the demaged communication. Justified the need of the further study of the problem regaining communication in adults after stroke and the new approaches to aforementioned issue. For a person of working age - communication with the outside world - is one of the leading activities and therefore we state the need for the farther research aimed at: studying verbal and non-verbal disorders in persons with aphasia; development of a system of differentiated modern methods of communication restoration at an early stage of rehabilitation with the purpose of social and
psychological adaptation of an individual to his new state; determine special conditions that optimize the process of communication recovery and their experimental verification.

Key words: aphasia, communication, stroke, desocialization, recommunication.

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