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Pakhomova N., Gubar O. Fiatures of the provision of correctional and developmental services to adolescents with dysarthria in a speech therapy room


Contact: Pakhomova Nataliya, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the Department of the special education and social work of the Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V. Korolenko Poltava, Ukraine. In the field of scientific interests: speech preparation of children of older preschool age to study at school and integrative medical-psychologicalpedagogical training of specialists to work in the conditions of inclusion.

Hubar Olha, senior lecturer at the Department of Special Education and Social Work of the Poltava National Pedagogical University V. Korolenko, Poltava, Ukraine. In the field of scientific interests: the problem of correction of the phonetic side of speech in adolescents and the peculiarities of formation of speech competence of adolescents with speech defects.

In the course of the study, the authors of the article characterized the modern views of researchers on the concepts of "educational services" and "correctional and educational services." It has been established that speech therapy correctional development services are a type of psychological and pedagogical services that are offered to people who suffer from speech disorders of a functional or organic nature and of central or peripheral origin. The authors analyzed the basic regulatory acts that govern the provision of speech therapy
correctional and developmental services to adolescents with speech impairment in the context of integrated education in various types of institutions. The main directions of the modern system of the provision of speech therapy correctional and developmental services to adolescents with speech impairments in the conditions of speech therapy rooms of educational institutions and medical treatment and prevention facilities are formulated. Among the main areas, the authors distinguish: diagnostic, correctivedeveloping, consultative and informational and preventive. According to the reorientation of the education system on a comprehensive approach to each of them faces demands to ensure the development of necessary skills. This is necessary for the confident and successful achievement of the goals of this category of children in real life conditions. The authors point out that the implementation of the competency approach is implemented in the course of correction and development work on the development of speech in adolescents.
This approach is based on a number of principles, in particular: communicativecognitive, personal orientation and reflection. The main tasks of each of the areas, their content in the provision of qualified speech therapy services to adolescents in speech therapy rooms in different types of institutions are revealed. The main stages of assisting adolescents with phonetic disorders in speech therapy rooms of various institutions are characterized, a comparative analysis of the content of each of them is carried out.

Key words: phonetic disorders, correctional and developmental services, speech therapy rooms, dysarthria, adolescents with speech disorders.

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