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Рryadko L. Implementation features pedagogical support of children with special educational needs in the conditions of general secondary education


Сontact: L. Pryadko, Ph.D., assistant professor of Department of Vocational Education and Management of Sumy Regional Institute of
Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Sumy, Ukraine. In terms of research: an implementation of inclusive education in Ukraine, a differentiated approach, the ways of implementing an individual trainingof children with the special educational needs, the creation of didactic environment in an inclusive school.

The article presents and reveals the peculiarities of pedagogical support of children with special educational needs in the institution of general secondary education, in particular, defines the basic principles, requirements and conditions of pedagogical support for teachers.
Pedagogical support is presented as the activity of professional educators in providing preventive and prompt help to children in solving their individual problems related to physical and mental health, communication, successful promotion in learning and, finally, life and professional self-determination. Attention is drawn to the fact, that a teacher, who has the necessary knowledge, possesses the  propriate personal qualities that attract students to him can provide pedagogical support. It is noted that in todayʼs fast-paced world, both children and educators need support. As the realities of life testify, today the prevalence of various forms of borderline psychological pathology and psychosomatic disorders is prevalent among modern educators; often teachers are in a situation of “pedagogical confusion”; a sharp stratification of education recipients by the level of material support and dominant intrinsic family values. Such circumstances lead to the didactogeny of teachers, as a result of conflicts in professional and pedagogical activity, and lead to a disruption of communication
between the teachers themselves. The author identifies the main issues of pedagogical support among teachers: behavioral disorders, because they permeate the educational process in the classroom, group; work with children with autism spectrum disorders; work with non-speaking children; lack of motivation in the lesson; lack of focus during classes; organization of childrenʼs activities during the lesson with different nosologies. Studying the problem of the child, family, causation will help to study the child in all its relations. Based on the analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problems of pedagogical support and the results of own research, it is possible to determine the following requirements for the implementation of pedagogical support for teachers.

Key words: the pedagogical support, the conditions, an inclusive education, the children with special educational needs.


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