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Synyov V., Khokhlina O. Category of activity: essence and application in psychological and pedagogical researches


Contact: Synyov Victor, Grand PhD of pedagogy, Academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Professor of the department of psychocorrectional pedagogy in National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kiev, Ukraine. In the sphere of scientific interests: the problem of correctional and educational influencе on a personality in the conditions of penitentiary institutions for person with asocial behavior; personality development of a child with special educational needs in an integrated, special, inclusive training and education.;
Khokhlina Оlena, Grand PhD of рsychology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Aviation Psychology of the National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine. In the sphere of scientific interests: Theoretical-methodological problems of general, special psychology and correctional pedagogy; problem of correctional development of children with intellectual development disorders.

Psychological and pedagogical research provides for the development of its theoretical and methodological fundamentals, based on the determination of the main categories, which look like the basic "clusters" of psychological knowledge and its supporting components; they are a substantial logical form of mental phenomena perception, which optimally compresses the knowledge about the essential in mental life; the system of basic, principle categories of psychology summarizes all knowledge about the mental. Knowledge of the basic category content allows you to see the essence of the problem, which refers to it, and to find out appropriate ways to solve it.
The article deals with the problem of activity as the basic category of psychology. Disclosure of the content of the activity category reveals its significance for psychology, for understanding the origin, functioning and purpose of the psyche, the possibility of its use in scientific research and practical work with a person. In the context of the problem, the essence of activity is considered as a form of human activity and its substantial features (social character, purposefulness, consciousness, objectivity, subjectivity and subjectivity, planning, systematization, mediocrity, productivity), methodological principle of unity of the psyche and activity. The activity approach in psychology related to the category under study is revealed in terms of cultural-historical and subject-activity concepts corresponding to their morphological and dynamic paradigm as a research approach. The authors also touch upon the issues of activity structure and main directions of its formation. Knowledge about the category of activity can be used as theoretical and methodological basis for organizing and conducting specific studies related to the psychology of activity, interpretation of their results, development of practical recommendations; as a means of systematization, structuring, generalization of data on activity as an object of knowledge and, thus, improving the construction and enrichment of the theory of science, increasing the effectiveness of its application in practice in order to achieve positive changes in development and human life.

Key words: activity, the basic category of psychology, substantive signs of activity, methodological principle of unity of mentality and activity, activity approach.

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