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Tkach O.M. Speech therapy work with preschool children after cochlear implantation


Information about the author. Тkach Оxana Ph.D. of pedagogical sciences, Senior Lecturer Chair of Speech Therapy and Special methods in the Correctional and Social Pedagogy and Psychology Department of KamyanetsPodilskyi National Ivan Ohienko University. In the field of scientific interests: methodological and methodical aspects of organizing work with children with complex and complex disorders of psychophysical development, problems of overcoming systemic speech disorders, formation of semantic component of speech system.

In the article the problem of speech development of deaf children after cochlear implantation is considered. The question of creating
productive speech environment, necessary conditions of successful speech development of such children is staticized.
Special attention is paid to the logopedic direction in the general system of rehabilitation of children after cochlear implantation. The author proves need of rendering the timely logopedic help to implanted children, points that the logopedic aspect of work with the children implanted at early age and also with preschool children and of course with school age children is insufficiently developed and presented in scientific and methodical researches. In the aspect of logopedic work on all components of the speech system methodical questions of children’s training in hearing are revealed. Listening is considered as a means and as a condition of successful development of the language ability of the child after cochlear implantation. The general methodical principles of work with the implanted children at logopedic lessons are presented in the article.
The article presents three groups of exercises for the development of speech abilities (phonetic, lexical, grammatical skills), highlights the phasing of their use. The sequence of assistance and the use of instructions for the transition from visual to auditory control is also justified. In general, the following
methodological principles of building a correction program were identified:maximum visual support and its gradual folding in accordance with the gradual formation of mental actions; constant and obligatory correlation of a word with
an object, action, phenomenon, sign; the sequence of learning grammatical forms and syntactic constructions in accordance with their gradual formation in ontogenesis, regardless of the age of the child with CI; selection of speech material, adequate age and "speech age" of a child with CI.

Key words: cochlear implantation, speech development, logopedic work, listening, methodical principles.

Stats кількість переглядів1468 кількість завантажень1409