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Brykova A.S., Buhera Yu.Yu. - Application of art therapy techniques in work with parents of children with special educational needs


Contact: Brykova Alexandra, PhD of psychological sciences, associate professor of the Department of pedagogy and psychology of inclusive education of the Institute of inclusive education educational establishment "Belarusian state pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank", Minsk, Republic of Belarus. In the sphere of scientific interests: interpersonal relationships of children with intellectual disabilities in the educational process; training of specialists to work with children with special educational needs; correctional and developmental work on the formation of social behavior, communication and interaction skills of the children with autism spectrum disorders. 

Buhera YuliiaPhD of pedagogical, associate professor of the Department of Psycho-Medical-Pedagogical Foundations of Correctional Work at KamianetsPodilsky National University named after Ivan Ogienko, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. In the sphere of scientific interests: the problem of psycholinguistics, correction of components of speech activity in children with intellectual disabilities, formation of linguistic component of speech activity in children of different nosologies.

The article analyzes art therapy techniques used in working with parents of children with special educational needs. It is noted that one of the most important aspects of correction of psychophysical development disorders is work with parents raising children with special educational needs. The necessity of this work is substantiated, which is conditioned by the responsibility of parents and their representation of the child's interests; focusing the child on parental assessment; the need to involve parents  in the correctional process, which consists in their constant work related to the consolidation of skills and abilities of children received in educational institutions, and their transfer to other conditions; the need for parents to receive qualified methodological and psychological counselling. It is noted that among the effective means of interaction with parents of children are art therapy techniques. It is determined that art therapy is one of the methods of correction and development with the help of artistic creativity, which can be effectively used both in working with children with special educational needs and with their families. Peculiarities of using different types of art therapy are described: isotherapy, puppet therapy, film therapy, fairy tale therapy, metaphorical cards in work with parents of children with special educational needs, etc. It is noted that the difference between art therapy and the creative process lies in the expediency and awareness of the use of its methods, and the therapeutic and corrective effect of art therapy is: in the reconstruction of the traumatic situation through creative activity; actualization of experiences and bringing them into external form through the product of activity; creation of new, emotionally positive experiences, their accumulation; actualization of creative needs of participants of the art therapy session and their creative self-expression. It is determined that the child-parent interactive group is a unique way of working with children of early and preschool age and their parents, which allows the organization of productive interaction and the formation of skills of parental observation of themselves and the child. It is concluded that art therapy technologies in working with parents of children with special educational needs are diverse and multifunctional and are effective in terms of clear goal setting, choice of technique, awareness of the results of art therapy.

Keywords: children with special educational needs, interaction, parents of children with special educational needs, art therapy, method.

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