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Buhera Yu., Hevchuk N., Didyk N. - Methods and forms of social rehabilitation work with parents raising a child with special educational needs


Contact: Buhera Yuliia, PhD of pedagogical, associate professor of the Department of Psycho-Medical-Pedagogical Foundations of Correctional Work at Kamianets-Podilsky National University named after Ivan Ogienko, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. In the sphere of scientific interests: the problem of psycholinguistics, correction of components of speech activity in children with intellectual disabilities, formation of linguistic component of speech activity in children of different nosologies.;

Hevchuk Nataliia, Ph. D. in Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work at Kamianets-Podilsky National University named after Ivan Ogienko, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. In the sphere of scientific interests: problems of social rehabilitation of families that bring up children with the special educational necessities; social проєктування; technologies of social work and public welfare.;

Didyk Nataliia, Ph. D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work at Kamianets-Podilsky National University named after Ivan Ogienko, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. In the sphere of scientific interests: problems of
social and psychological rehabilitation of persons with special educational needs; social and psychological assistance to a family raising a child with special educational needs; psychological and pedagogical optimization of professional training of specialists in the social sphere.

The article describes the features of the observational experiment conducted to study the opinion of experts on the problems and needs of parents raising children with special educational needs and to identify opportunities for new forms of social rehabilitation work with families raising a child with special educational needs. Ways of the interaction of inclusive educational institutions with parents are found out.
The results of the online expert survey are analyzed. It was found that the reasons for the lack of social rehabilitation work with families raising a child with special educational needs may be the lack and unpreparedness of specialists for such work, their low level of awareness in matters of social rehabilitation work with families. pits, lack of well-established interaction of teachers with parents, etc.

It is determined that the priority forms of work of specialists with parents in the process of social rehabilitation work are individual counseling and speeches at parent meetings.
It is noted that when planning activities for social and rehabilitation work with families, specialists should assess the needs of parents of children with special needs. It was found that only in some educational institutions (25%) respondents developed a mechanism (algorithm) for social rehabilitation work with families raising a child with psychophysical development and only 25% of respondents developed this mechanism.
The effectiveness of the use of interactive forms of work in the process of providing social and psychological assistance to families, namely: debates, mutual support training, socio-psychological games, discussion of the content of films and literary works on relevant topics. The possibility of using game therapy, video therapy, bibliotherapy, training method, etc. to provide social and psychological assistance to parents raising a child with special educational needs has been identified. It is concluded that social rehabilitation work with the family is an important component in working with families raising a child with special educational needs.

Keywords: a child with special educational needs, parents, family, online expert survey, training, forms of social rehabilitation.

Stats кількість переглядів615 кількість завантажень330